with Ashley Stoneburner
FREE - Member/$5 - nonmembers
Join Ashley for an hour session to help strengthen, stretch, and release the tight muscles that support your knee!
As we age, knee health is extremely important. In this session, you'll learn the 3 pillars of taking care of your knees.
1 - Strenthening the muscles surrounding the knee, including hamstrings, glutes, outer thigh, inner thigh and more!
2 - Foam rolling for fascia to relieve tight muscles and promote blood flow around the knee muscles.
3 - Strethces to add into your weekly routine to promote functional movement of the knee muscles.
What to bring:
1 - Foam roller, a plastic roller, or a dough roller (from the kitchen)
2 - A tennis ball or small, firm ball
3 - Golf ball
1 - Ankle weights and elastic exercise band
2 - Yoga mat, towel, water bottle
(extra elastic exercise bands & yoga mats will be available to borrow)