Eligibility for Admission
Armstrong Early Learning Center is a licensed center for children between the ages of six weeks to 6 years. Our center offers both full time and part time options. Enrollment in the infant rooms are only available on a Full-Time status. Part-time enrollments must maintain a consistent schedule. There is no credit for missed days or changes to your child’s schedule unless available vacation time is used. We will make every attempt to meet your needs; we ask that you try to remain as flexible as possible with your schedule so that we may work out the best possible arrangements for your family.
The parent agrees by enrollment for the child to participate in all aspects of the care and educational program. These programs include nutrition,(Breakfast, AM Snack, lunch, and PM snack), health education experiences, language, math, creative experiential activities, biblical activities, science, dramatic play, music, and special programming.
Inclusion Statement
The Armstrong Early Learning Center is an inclusive program where all children, whatever their needs, can learn and develop in a caring, high-quality educational environment. We are committed to adapt our routines, activities, and environment to allow all children to participate and reach their full potential.
*This statement is for all children not just children with identified disabilities*
Children with special needs are welcome to attend our center. The administrative staff and teachers will work closely with your family and your child's intervention specialist, transition coordinator or early childhood special education teacher to provide individually appropriate instruction as outlined by your child's Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Special Needs
If your child has special needs (including disabilities, medical requirements, behavioral conditions, or child custody concerns etc.), please indicate these on your child’s enrollment forms and notify the staff. If your child has an IEP (Individualized Education Program a copy of the IEP is also required to better serve your child. The IEP will only be shared with the appropriate staff members.
Reasonable accommodations will be made for children who have special needs, provided a written request is made at least two weeks before the child’s attendance. One-on-one aides are not provided by the Y, but will be accommodated if the family provides them, as well as if they meet our hiring and volunteer criteria. Unless a family-provided personal aide accompanies them, children must possess the ability to self-monitor, be independently mobile, and reasonably foresee the consequences of their actions.
No child will be denied acceptance unless his or her presence would pose a significant risk to himself or herself or to the general population. However, if the Y cannot meet a child’s needs through reasonable accommodations, the placement cannot be accepted. Decisions are made on a per case basis. Upon inquiry, the Y can direct you to a professional resource in the community.