Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How old does my child need to be to participate in your programs?
A: We provide care for children who are 6 weeks to 6 years old. 

Q: Do you accept CCDF vouchers?
A: Yes we do. Please see the click here for more information or to apply for the CCDF voucher program. 

Q: What are you feeding my child?
A: We utilize ChooseMyPlate to provide balanced meals and snacks. 

Q: What should I plan to bring for my child’s first day?

A: Infants: Please bring a pacifier (if needed), diapers, diaper cream, wipes, several extra sets of clothes, bottles.
AToddlers: Please bring a pacifier, if needed for nap, diapers, diaper cream, wipes, extra clothes, and a blanket for nap.
APreschoolers: Please bring pull-ups/diapers (if needed), wipes (if needed), extra clothes and a blanket for nap.
Additional seasonal items may be requested.